Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
Third places a strong emphasis on fulfilling The Great Commission through our giving, actions, and our Missions Conference. You can learn more about the missionaries we support on our App. Watch our App, our Live Stream platforms, and our Social Media platforms for details about the next Missions Conference.

Active Missionary Spotlight
Rob Shaw, Campus Outreach - UAB
Rob grew up in Birmingham, AL and attended Samford University from 1999-2003 where he studied Business Management and played football. He was greatly impacted by the ministry of Campus Outreach while at Samford and decided to go on staff with them in 2004. He has worked at the Univ. of Montevallo, Berry College, Miles College and Samford University in his 18 years on staff. For the last couple of years, he has led a team at UAB where they are pioneering a new Campus Outreach ministry. He is also working on a seminary degree from Birmingham Theological Seminary. He has been married to Becca Shaw for ten years and has four daughters under the age of nine: Maple, Sailor, Scout and Teal.